No time this week to write a full blog, so instead I figured I’d just
provide quick takes on some random items that have crossed my virtual
desk – on immigration, whether 65 is middle age, the ironic science museum and combining technologies.
Immigration to the US
Metrocosm has
put up an animated map show immigration to the US since 1820.
Considering the current debate in the Presidential campaign, it offers
some under-reported insights. See

Is 65 Middle-Aged?
The Marist Poll is
frequently cited for its surveys of voters. Dr. Lee Miringoff, the
Director, has for a few years used his own birthday to assess how the
public views age. He just turned 65, so the question of the year: Is 65
middle-aged? Turns out that most American think so. You can see his
explanation in this video and the Marist report last week “5/3: 65 Stands Strong as Middle-Aged”
in an election year in which the three remaining Presidential
candidates are older than Dr. Miringoff, it does seem that 65 is the new
The Ironic Science Museum
Then, in sort of a follow up to my previous report
about rising seas in Miami Beach, I read this story filled with irony.
Miami is in the process of building a glorious science museum, which
has had the usual kind of fiscal and management issues.
But Tuesday this week an article
appeared with this headline: “Miami’s Doomed Frost Museum of Science Is
a Monument to Ignoring Science … What do you get when you celebrate
science and ignore scientists? Fish in the lobby.” It shows how rising
seas will come right into the lobby of the museum – and we’re not
talking about the planned aquarium.
Depending on how you look at
it, this story is somehow sad, funny, and ironic – and a warning for
all people with ambitions that touch the waterfront.

Combining Technologies
With all sorts of new
consumer technologies that are connected to the Internet, it’s only a
matter of time and creativity for people to integrate those technologies
in useful ways. Case in point is Jason Goecke, the hacker who used his
Amazon Echo – thank you Alexa! – to get his Tesla to drive itself out
of the garage. You can see for yourself in this video:
He posted his story at the end of last month here:
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